Sunday, June 8, 2008

Extended Vacation

My blog is on sabbatical, pending the successful completion of my dissertation. I should be defending in August, after which I hope my random excursions will be back in full swing.


Anonymous said...

time to update it please! Now you graduated, so no excuses

Anonymous said...

I hope that you will restart soon with your nature walks and to keep your nature diary!

Scott said...

I already lost my new camera!!! And what is a nature blog without closeup views of slime molds and landscape shots of eastern white pine stands? I am so unhappy about this. If I ever had a child, I might lose that too. I hang my head in shame...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you already lost your did you do that?? you know what? it is so you...I know that it is sad, but it is so you that it is kind of cute...ok, maybe cute it is not the right word...
And for the kid....well, a kid is not a camera....and hopefully you will pay more attention to it. I am sure you would do well! I guess you can start anyway to write about your nature walks even without putting pictures here yet. No?

Scott said...

Ooh. I found the camera after hours of searching. I am so happy. There are so many people I would like to thank. First, my parents for giving birth to me. Second, my first grade teacher Mrs. Walsh for teaching me that I was special. Finally, I would like to thank all of my friends for sticking with me in this tough time.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found your camera, now you can start blogging is the rest of the comment related to the other comments??? or is it related to the fact that you got your PhD?