Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Osbornedale State Park, CT

I have been busy submitting a manuscript this week so I am only getting a chance to begin this entry today.

I visited Osbornedale State Park in Connecticut last weekend with my lab mate Jon. It is a nice little space somewhere near the Housatonic River. There is a little pond there but was frozen. We took a leisurely stroll through the forest.

Titmice and black-capped chickadees were in abundance, but Jon said he saw a golden-crowned kinglet (Regulus satrapa). We both caught a glimpse of what we thought was a yellow-bellied sapsucker, but is was from very far away. All I could really see was a very marbled feather pattern and some trace of a red cap. In general adult sapsuckers have a red cap and throat, and black and white strips running through the face. The breast is yellowish-white and the back is marbled black and white. They also have a conspicuous white wing stripe.

Oh, I got my camera back. I really must remember that Canon has great repair service. They reported that my camera problem was probably due to a fall or shock (which it was), but they fixed it anyway under the warranty.

I also saw a bracket fungus. Hopefully soon I will be able to identify it. It is certainly a Polypore, but I am not sure which type. It was very hard, almost wood-like. and about the size of a tennis ball.

Fungus from above

Fungus (and me) from below

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