Friday, January 25, 2008

Am I alive or just breathing?

I took a short run this evening, and after I was finished I stared up at the stars. I folded the brim of my wool cap to let my eyes roam free, and I immediately received one of those sharp injections of reality that sometimes comes after months of unconsciously spinning life away with work and other earthly endeavors. "I really exist," I thought to myself. I am of this universe, of a world which is much more complex and undefined than my simple life would have me remember. A world with rules that transcend society and human convention. I realize that my senses have become so dull, so utterly narrow. Life comes in all colors, yet I feel I am color blind. Its as if my eyes are focused only on a small path, and all of the other dimensions of life are lost on me. I cannot observe the world in its completeness because I cannot seem to escape my own reality. I live life in a dream made up of invented goals and guidelines, and of things that I am supposed to want because they have been showered on my brain since my consciousness began. We are born into a dream, and so it shall remain. For how can you ever wake yourself from your own dream?



fromtheworld said...

wow, you are in a thinking mood. What is this sentence referred to? "I live life in a dream made up of invented goals and guidelines, and of things that I am supposed to want because they have been showered on my brain since my consciousness began". What is that you feel to want because of other's invented goals and guidelines?

Anonymous said...

We are all living in the matrix.